Singing Guide: George Shearing

Singing Guide: George Shearing

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

George Shearing: How to Sing Like the Celebrated Pianist and Composer

Unique Vocal Technique

George Shearing's signature style is characterized by his use of block chords. This technique involves playing the melody and the chords at the same time, creating a full and rich sound. To emulate his style as a singer, try singing the melody in unison with the chords. You can also experiment with harmonizing the melody, using block chords yourself or with a backing vocalist.

Songs to Showcase this Technique

Some of George Shearing's most famous songs include "Lullaby of Birdland," "Conception," and "September in the Rain." These songs feature his unique block chord technique and are great for showcasing his style.

Practical Advice

To improve your singing, it's important to work on your breathing and posture. Singing Carrots offers great resources on breathing basics and how to use breath support to improve your singing. Practicing with the Vocal Pitch Monitor can also help you develop good breath control.

Articulation is also crucial in capturing George Shearing's style. Singing Carrots has a helpful article on the importance of articulation in singing, featuring exercises like the "Finger Bite," which can help improve clarity in your singing.

Singing Carrots Resources

To develop your voice and singing technique, Singing Carrots offers many relevant resources. The Vocal Range Test can help you determine your range and compare it to famous singers. The Pitch Accuracy Test can help you assess your pitch accuracy and the Pitch Training game can help you develop your pitch control.

For those looking for a more structured approach to learning, the Educational Singing Course offers a comprehensive 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips. The Song Search feature helps you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.


George Shearing's unique block chord technique and innovative style set him apart as a pianist and composer. To learn how to sing like him, it's important to work on your breathing, articulation, and posture, and experiment with harmonizing the melody with chords. Singing Carrots offers many great resources to help you develop your singing skills and explore your vocal range, from the Vocal Range Test to the Educational Singing Course.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.